
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kitten Update: Naming Edition

Our new batch of kittens are coming along nicely. They have been increasing in fluffiness, laser pointer chasing skills and neck cuddles at a rapid rate; and also decreasing in pooping on floor and sneeziness.

Not creepy to take pictures of people while they're sleeping if kittens are involved.
They've been a little ill the past few weeks, but they've had a course of antibiotics and multiple lullabies and they're almost all better. So much better, in fact, that I think I can stop inspecting their poop twice a day for signs of disease like I'm reading freakin tea leaves.

We have also finally named them. We started off with the little grey one, who we named Dear Prudence, because that's what I sang to her while she ill and wouldn't stop crying. So then we named the two black ones Lucy and Sadie*, for matchy-ness; and the mother Yoko also for matchy-ness and because for a while there we were calling her 'asian cat' because she looks like one of the evil asian cats from Lady & the Tramp and we were like, 'wait, is this racist' and we decided maybe, so, Yoko it is. Definitely less racist.

Also, pretty much all of my photos are of Pru, not because I like her the most(although I do) but because black cats awkwardly aren't that photogenic.

*You can tell the difference between them because Sadie has a distended anus.**
**DON'T JUDGE. She's still cute. 

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