
Friday, May 18, 2012

This is the Next Big Thing in Baking: Cupcakewurst!

Word on the blogosphere is that after french macarons* and cupcakes, the next big thing in baking is cake pops. This is not true. I hate cakepops. They are stupid. I refuse to engage in cake-popping.
The next big thing in baking, the confection that will be all over your pinterest like herpes, is CUPCAKEWURST.
It's cupcake batter, in a sausage skin casing and grilled. Of course, the downside of this is that you have to grope intestines as part of your baking process now, and feeling uncomfortable about touching meat is pretty much the reason I became a vegetarian** (unlike Kim Kardashian, who became famous because she WAS comfortable touching meat. Zing!).

Food that looks like other food! Cuuuute.
In other baking related news, I'm going to be peddling my buttery wares at the Fringe Market instead of the Mighty Mighty Market this month. Just felt like a change of scenery; and also a lot of the girls that hang out there don't eat so it was kind of a flawed business model to start with. I'll be there at 191 Cuba street  from dawn till dusk on Saturday the 26th- and my super cool friend Alice will be with me and she's making us MATCHING APRONS. Like a REAL buisness. I am so excited, you guys.

*WHICH I CAN MAKE. My macarons have such beautiful feet that Quentin Tarantino and Joss Whedon would fight to the death over them.
**More of a watery pescatarian these days, if I'm honest.

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