
Sunday, June 19, 2011

I hate the world and everyone in it.

Trade Me just accidentally deleted all my auctions- including the one that had 20,000 views and dozens of comments; about which there is most probably a story running in the dom post tomorrow. They're not going to do anything to fix it, but at least they said sorry. Which totally makes up for the hundreds of dollars I'm now not going to raise for charity. (I'm being sarcastic. It doesn't make up for it. I hate them.)

They deleted them (without bothering to contact me first) on the grounds that I have more than one account- which is totally true. I have one account that I buy vintage crockery and dirty costumes for the Big Kumara on, and one that I use for charity fundraising. It is both organizationally easier and fiscally prudent to keep the two separate.

My father(Who is the best lawyer ever and a total rockstar) read their terms and conditions and called them; and got them to admit that not only had I not done anything wrong and they deleted my account in error; but that the rule referenced may not even exist- it is against having multiple 'aliases'- an alias being a false identity. I have exactly zero false identities, unless you count the name I give to gross guys in clubs*

Someone from trade me is allegedly going to call tomorrow morning and hopefully they will be able to fix the situation. But as it stands it looks like I've lost hundreds of dollars to go towards school materials for disadvantaged women; wasted several weeks of hard work getting this done and it's going to be pretty embarrassing if that story runs in the Dominion Post tomorrow and the auction which it references does not, in fact, exist.

So, fuck my life. Fuck Trade Me. My first order of business tomorrow once this mess is over os to call them, tell them they are bad and negligent people, and cancel my account. I'll spend my money on ASOS instead.

*It's Jess. Jess Dragonweasel.

UPDATE: Trade me refunded my money and I have relisted my auctions. I also received confirmation that the Dom Post will be running the story tomorrow. 
So, this may have been a big setback but all is not lost. Big thank you to my very patient boyfriend for giving me a spelling test at 2am last night to calm me down; to my amazing dad for yelling at literally everyone who works at trade me(hell hath no fury like an american with multiple law degrees); and to everyone who has/will bid on the new listings. Onwards and upwards!

BUT WAIT, THERES MORE: Because enough is never enough when it comes to harassing small charities; trade me has made me remove all my baked items. Even though theres lots of other home baked items on the website. Seriously, fuck these guys.

ONE MORE THING: They(trade me) emailed me asking about 'the things I wrote in my blog'. Aw, somebody actually reads my blog- loves it!

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