
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Apple Cinnamon Trompe L'oeil Cupcakes

It was my niece's Wheel-a-thon* this weekend and my sister was invited/ordered to bring something to the bake sale. Clearly this was an opportunity to stick it to all the SUV driving housewives; so I took over and cupcake madness ensued. Presnting: Frances' Apple Cinnamon Trompe L'oeil Cupcakes.


1. I used this recipe to make a cinnamon cupcake mix. They're really good; firm but fluffy; and they don't rise too much so they're easy to ice.

2. Fill the cupcake cases halfway with the mixture. Then form the cases into the right shape using balls fashioned out of scrunched up tinfoil.

3. Bake; and once completely cool spread with red icing

4. Decorate with spearmint leaves and pretzel sticks. You can only buy pretzel sticks in massive bags which is awesome because they are delicious and now you have lots of them; so; yay!

*A Wheel-a-thon is an event where adults sponsor toddlers to ride tricycles, scooters and bikes furiously in a circle for as long as they can until a pile up occurs. It is exactly as hilarious as it sounds.

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